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“Minecraft Unofficial Japan Users Forum Server” (called Setuden Saba, Forum Saba or Forum Server)
is a gigantic Minecraft multiplay server, administerd by ecolight.

Minecraft for PC/Mac (Java Edition) 1.20.4
You can only access with the above version.
For details, see server info or update history (Japanese).
【Important】 For users at their first time visit or after a long time.
🔰Guide for New UsersYou should read through the guideline for new users,
to know and keep to the manners and regulations.
Also when you visit after a long time, check it for the case the regulations have changed.
■Server Rules (BAN conditions etc.)
◆FAQ (Frequently asked questions and the answers)
When You Carry Live Programs or Make Movies.
Please read and follow the Guideline for Live-Streaming and Movie-Making (Japanese)

◆Regular Events◆
every Saturday, from 20:00 regenerate a NEW resource map, and develop the spawn point.
every Saturday, from 21:30 VS. Ultimate Ender Dragon (Japanese)

※Sometimes events will be canceled or the schedule will change.
 Please check info in the server or ecolight's twitter.

★Special Event★
  Name and the Link         Date      

※For details, see each link.

March 2, 2024
Server updated for Minecraft 1.20.4.
Check out Setsuden Saba Ver1.20.4 update information (Japanese) for more information about 1.20.4 update.

May 5, 2022
Server updated for Minecraft 1.18.2.
Check out Setsuden Saba Ver1.18.2 update information (Japanese) for more information about 1.18.2 update.

November 4, 2018
Tonight, we are planning to update this server for Minecraft 1.13.2.
November 6, 2018, 4AM Updated
We still have to adjust settings, so please notice for a while that the data of this server may be rolled back to the latest backup (5 AM).
Check outSetsuden Saba Ver1.13.2 update information (Japanese) for more information about 1.13.2 update.

March 2, 2016
The admin “ecolight” created the 1.9 version up measures project on the Ecolight tracker.
You can send the concerns to admin on the Ecolight tracker and Twitter.
(If you want to send via twitter,Please use “#フォーラム鯖記録 or #節電鯖” hashtags.)
best regard.

July 20, 2014
We created “Forum Server BroadCasting Station” in the NicoNico Comunity.
Everyone can use it, so please make use of it!

May 20, 2014
We created an “Info about Server Loads" (J).
If you join and play on our server, please read through the page at least once and lend your hands for decreasing the loads.
Thank you for your corporation.

March 1, 2014
We have a report saying that OLD Hoppers already placed in the world have a big negative effect on the server. So, please break or re-place all Hoppers you placed in the last year (2013). Thank you for your corporation.

January 11, 2014
We registered the server to “”, where info about open servers are listed. When voting with your ID while logging on the server, you can get special items.

October 30, 2013
Please refrain from using Boats, due to some technical problems.

Please protect your buildings with protective commands. We have recieved some reports about trolls.
To prevent someone from entering your buildings, you also need to protect your Doors with ”/cprivate“ and kinda commands.

1) As the concept, we first emphasize “beginner friendly” and “easy to join for newcomers.” Also, We'd like to give various “surprises” by providing some events and flexible introduction and adjusting of plugins, which can entertain expart crafters.

2012/11/21 Greeting for the server's 1st aniversary.

December 2, 2017 This photography is the 300th anniversary of the resources map regeneration!
Photographer : Tama_Go(たぬき)

August 28, 2016 The 2016 Summer festival's photography. On this day, There were more than 70 people!
Photographer : Tama_Go(LemonKaju)

December 26, 2015 This photography is the 200th anniversary of the resources map regeneration!
click for the actual scale.

◆click here for the previous photos!◆

This topic is for ecolight to announce the server's concept.
Don't edit it except ecolight and the agencies.
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