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TOP > General > For New Users

Guide for New Users

Welcome to “Unofficial Japan Users Forum Server” !
Here is a summary of necessary information to join the server at the first time.
You should first read this page through, and get started the life in the wonderful gigantic server!!

◆Before access, please read carefully the prior information below.◆

☆ This is a multiplay server. ☆

This server is a large-scale Minecraft multiplay server.
All things are different from the single play only you join. You and many other players join the server.
So, it's very important to consider the manners and other users themselves.

☆ Let's read before access. ☆

Before joining our server,
you must read through and understand this guidance page and the below relevant pages,
not to annoy the server and other residents playing.
Especially in the server rules page, the things prohibited in the server are listed.
If you disobey them, you could be BANNED (you can't access the server anymore) in the worst case.

Also, some discussions and notices are sometimes on the topic of this server
in the Unofficial Japan Users Forum. It's good to look through it.

☆ Bookmark our Wiki. ☆

All the information to live in the server is within this Wiki, and you must read it.
If you get something you don't know about the server, you could look up the wiki before asking other residents.
It might be convenient if you add a bookmark of the wiki to look it up instantly.

This wiki can't report news quickly, so the newest informations​ are not always written on the wiki.
If you can't understand something even you read this wiki, you can ask other players about that.

☆ The server is strictly guarded. ☆

All your actions in the server are recorded, from setting and destroying blocks, opening and closing chest, to killing animals.
At the moment trolling/stealing/cheating etc. are recognized, we start an investigation, recover damaged places based on the action logs,
and the offender will be BANNED.
Even if someone has done an illegal action, the only loss is the admin's few minites and
some labor like typing 10 or 20 characters with one sweet pudding.
And you can't cause any actual damages to the entire management of the server and the residents.
Don't behave illegaly in any situations.

Additionally, PvP is basicaly prohibited in the server.
We actually have a PvP map, but without agreement of both players (you and others),
you might be banned for nuisance actions.

◆ 【NEXT⇒】 Do you fully understand the page? Then, go on to the next page!◆

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