
更新情報(2021/5/5) / 重要告知(2021/5/9)




両方とも前のリビジョン 前のリビジョン
en:info:guide:page2 [2014/07/23 19:16]
nokiyen [Find your destination]
en:info:guide:page2 [2019/09/23 00:19] (現在)
行 1: 行 1:
-[[en:start|TOP]] > GUIDE+[[en:start|TOP]] > [[en:menu#general|General]] > Guide for New Users
 ====== Guide for New Users ====== ====== Guide for New Users ======
行 56: 行 56:
   - Redstone circuit will make each of you warp separetely for a room with a door.   - Redstone circuit will make each of you warp separetely for a room with a door.
   - Left click the door in front of you. (a red color message will pop up.)   - Left click the door in front of you. (a red color message will pop up.)
-  - Type the command below.\\ /cunlock 0715351110+  - Type the command below.\\ /cunlock wikimywife
   - The message {{:info:guide:paccept.png?nolink|入力が受け付けられた旨}} will pop up. Then, right click the door and open it.   - The message {{:info:guide:paccept.png?nolink|入力が受け付けられた旨}} will pop up. Then, right click the door and open it.
   - Quickly exit through the door and jump down the stairs.   - Quickly exit through the door and jump down the stairs.
行 78: 行 78:
 Passing the temple, You can see a plaza where many gates stand on. (called the Entrance Map) Passing the temple, You can see a plaza where many gates stand on. (called the Entrance Map)
-**For details of each map, see [[world:list|World Guide]] (Japanese).**+**For details of each map, see [[world:list|World Guide]] (Japanese).**\\ 
 +If you are lost then check [[ |Real Time MAP]] (external link) 
 {{:en:entrance_en.png?direct&500|}}\\ {{:en:entrance_en.png?direct&500|}}\\
行 99: 行 100:
 This is the layout of the distant gates.\\ This is the layout of the distant gates.\\
 Check the [[en:world:map|Realtime Map]] for each point connected by each gate.\\ Check the [[en:world:map|Realtime Map]] for each point connected by each gate.\\
-Note: The blue-colored gates in the image are cities where **there development have to be subject to there City Plans.**\\+Note: The blue-colored gates in the image are cities where **their development have to be subject to their City Plans.**\\
 Please see "City Planning Regulation" and "List of City Plans" in [[server:rule:home|Home Map Building Rules]] (Japanese).\\ Please see "City Planning Regulation" and "List of City Plans" in [[server:rule:home|Home Map Building Rules]] (Japanese).\\
行 105: 行 106:
 {{:en:pvp_en.png?direct&500|}}\\ {{:en:pvp_en.png?direct&500|}}\\
-**Event Map**:Specially served map when an event is held. Usually, you can't go there.\\+**Event Map**:Specially served map when an event is held. You can't go there usually.\\
 **Game Map**:Overworld Map where PvP is enabled.\\ **Game Map**:Overworld Map where PvP is enabled.\\
-But, **please make agreement within you whe you do PvP.**\\+But, **please make agreement within you when you do PvP.**\\
 PvP without agreement is **prohibited**. PvP without agreement is **prohibited**.
行 119: 行 120:
 \\ \\
 ---- ----
-==== 準備をする ====+==== Make Preparations to Live ====
-資源採掘MAPは「**新しいの**」と「**古いの**」があります。\\ +You'll see "**NEW**" and "**OLD**" resource maps.\\ 
-ゲートの看板や、ゲートの木に大きく番号が書いてあるので新しい方(数が大きいほう)に入りましょう。+The number of each map is displayed on its sign and the woods beside its gate. So, just enter the new one.
-資源MAPにはいると、ゲート付近は整備されていて色々なものがあります。\\+><fc #008000>【Tips】</fc> 
 +>We always have two resouce maps, and called the maps in two ways for distinguishing them. 
 +>First, **the three-digit number written with Wools, located by the gate**. 
 +>>It's a serial number allocated to each resouce map. Since one of the resouce maps you usually go to will regenerate for every week, the left or right number will change for every week. 
 +>Second, **the circled number ① or ②, written in the sign above the gate**. 
 +>>The left is 1 and the right is 2 when you look at them from the entrance plaze. They never change. 
 +>Server residents usually use **the former way (three-digit number)** to call them. Someone also call them Resouce1 or Resouce2, but almost all residents don't use it because it's a bit hard to memorize. 
 +>>Sometimes, a wrong number is displayed for some reasons (the admin rebuilds it manually). 
 +>>Don't mind even if some residents point out that you use a wrong number. 
 +In the Resource Map, you'll see a well-ordered spase and various utilities around the gate.\\
 {{:en:freechest_en.png?direct&500}}\\ {{:en:freechest_en.png?direct&500}}\\
-ところどころに置かれていることがある「**Free Chest**」もしくは「**フリーチェスト**」などと\\ +The chests labeled "**Free Chest**" or "**フリーチェスト**", which you may notice in some points,\\ 
-書かれたチェストは持ち出し自由なチェストです。\\ +are chests from which you can freely take out items.\\ 
-必要に応じて中身を貰いましょう。\\ +Let't take the contents in need.\\ 
-ただし、**必ず付近にフリーチェストと書かれていること**を確認しましょう。\\ +But, **make sure they are really free chests by checking sings etc. around them**,\\ 
-また**売り物では無いこと**(看板に売価が書いてあるなど)も確認しましょう。\\ +or **they are not on-sale items** (prices may be show in sings if they're merchandise).\\ 
-(ゲートのすぐ真横にエンダーチェスト・作業台と一緒に置いてあるチェストはフリーチェストです。)+(The chests which are placed with Ender Chest and Crafting Table just beside the gate are free chests.)
 {{:en:shigen_en.png?direct&500}}\\ {{:en:shigen_en.png?direct&500}}\\
-(写真は資源採掘MAP47の様子です。配置はMAPによって大きく異なります。)\\ +(This is a photo of the 47th resouce map. The layout of facilities are different for each map.)\\ 
-基本的に資源MAPにあるものは採集自由ですので活用しましょう。\\ +You are basically free to harvest and collect things in the resource map. so make use of them.\\ 
-採集を行った場合、他の人のための**植え直しなどの後始末はちゃんとやるようにして下さい**+After harvesting, please **set it right by replanting crops etc.** for other player's use. 
 +It may be convenient to make a small hut for long-span harvesting.\\ 
 +But remenber, **resouce maps will be closed in about two weeks from the creation and publication of the MAP**, \\ 
 +so please keep your important items in the home maps described below. \\ 
 +Closed date is written on the signboard above the gate entering the resource map from the entrance MAP. \\ 
 +Usually the old resource map is closed at 20 o'clock on Saturdays. \\ 
 +Around 6 p.m on Saturdays, there may be people who destroys facilities in the old resource map, to prepare for new resource map creation.\\ 
 +(Please notice that they are not the violators.) 
 +We recommend to use the other resource map during that time period.
-資源採掘マップでは、**直下穴**(落ちたらダメージを受ける・死んでしまうような一直線の穴)など迷惑になるような\\ +In these resource maps, you can dig and get dirt or stone as you like,\\ 
-掘り方をしない限りは、自由に土を掘ったり石を掘ったりして構いません。+unless you dig **a straight vertical hall**, which someone may die or get damaged when s/he falls.
 ---- ----
-==== ホームMAPへ ====+==== Going to home maps ====
-準備が出来たらホームMAPへ行きましょう。+When you get prepared, then let's go to the home maps.
-ホームMAPとは「**ワールド削除・更新が行われない、定住できるマップ**」ですが、現在次の種類があります。\\ +Home Map is the map **which won't be deleted, and where you can live**. The following maps are available.\\
-|通常ワールド|home01(第一ホームMAP)」、「home02(第二ホームMAP)」+|Normal world|"home01", "home02"
-|Netherワールド|world_nether(ホームネザー)」+|Nether world|"world_nether (Home Nether)"
-|TheENDワールド|world_the_end(ホームEND)」|+|The END world|"world_the_end (Home End)"|
-ここでは**通常ワールド**に示した各ワールドについて、簡単な説明を行います。\\ +In the next part, we'll make a simple explanation about the **Normal world**.\\ 
-他のワールドに関しては、原則として通常ワールドと同様に振る舞えば問題ありません。+You can behave in the other worlds as how you behave in the normal world.
 ---- ----
-==== 都市の見学をする ====+==== Visiting cities ====
-エントランスマップに佇む木造の家からは、ホームMAPの様々な場所へワープすることができます\\ +From the wooden house standing in the entrance map, you can warp to various places of home maps (Please also see the picture "Find your destination").
-このサーバーにはすでに大勢のユーザーが生活している上、\\ +A lot of users already live on this server, and  
-この後にも大勢のユーザーが新たに加わることが想定されるため、\\ +it is assumed that more users will start living on this server.\\  
-**作りたい家を考えて良い場所を探す**」あるいは\\ +So please try to create a house that considers people who live in front of you and the surrounding landscape, such as "**Think of the house you want to make and then find a good place**" or "**Find the place you want to live and think about the house that suits to the place.**"
-**住みたい場所を見つけてそこに合った家を考える**」といった\\ +
-場所探しの際は、Wiki内の[[world:map|ワールドマップ]][[world:city|都市の紹介]]を活用するとスムーズに進むかもしれません。\\ +If you want to decide a place to live smoothly, you can check 
-もちろん未開拓地を探して豪邸を建てるのも十分に良いことでしょう\\ +[[en:world:map|World Maps]] or [[world:city|Major Cities]](Japanese).\\ 
-(ただし近隣に他の人の私有地がないかどうかの確認は忘れずに)。+Of course you can find a frontier and build a mansion.\\ 
 +(Don't forget to confirm that it isn't located in a property of someone else).
-また、「家を建てるよりも集合住宅・マンションみたいなところに住みたい」\\ +Also, if you think "I'd prefer living in an apartment to building my own house"\\ 
-「一時的に滞在できる荷物置き場が欲しい」場合には、\\ +or "I need a place to stay for a while and keep my luggage",\\ 
-Wiki内の[[world:realestate|アパート・マンション一覧]]を参考に、各施設の管理者の方に相談してみると良いでしょう。+you can check [[world:realestate|List of Apartments & Flats]] and talk to their owner.
 ---- ----
-==== 家を建てる ====+==== Buiding Houses ====
 家を作る場所を決めたら、まず**場所の確保**をしましょう。\\ 家を作る場所を決めたら、まず**場所の確保**をしましょう。\\
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