Q.What is the official name of this server?
A. It's “Minecraft Unofficial Japan Users Forum Server”. It's often called “Setuden Saba”, “Forum Saba” or “Forum Server”. “Setuden Saba” is derived the admin ecolight, means “Setuden” in japanese. (“Saba” stands for “server” )
Q.Who is ecolight?
A. He is admin of Minecraft Unofficial Japan Forum and Minecraft Unofficial Japan Forum Multi Server.
When he is active, sometimes player near him dies for no reason.So, please be careful.
Q.Can I play in this server for free?
A.You can do for free.
The server admin ecolight is kind enough to maintain the server so that a lot of players can play comfortably, but the cost comes high and donation is considerd.
Q.I cant get out from first spawn!
A.Please read carefully at this page.guide
For reason,it checks that player know well on the server rule.
And, server citizens can't tell password to new player.
Q.I can't use wooden axe!
A.In this server, wooden axe is used for protection, so in this server, wooden axe can't chop trees.
Q.Where am I! Im lost!
A.In this server, there is Dynmap,world map that can know place of logged player, spawn command, and home command that will help you find.