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info:guide_en [2012/09/07 16:43] – [The things to do after log-in] kinfo:guide_en [2012/11/16 16:25] (現在) – [Things to do after log-in] k
行 4: 行 4:
 Let's begin pleasant life in the large group server after reading this page!!\\ Let's begin pleasant life in the large group server after reading this page!!\\
 ---- ----
-==== At first ==== +==== At the beginning ==== 
-This is a Minecraft multi server\\  +This is a Minecraft multi server.\\  
-Consideration to the other users is important because there are many users unlike single user play.\\+Consideration to other users is important because there are many users differently from single user play.\\
 Please read the whole contents of this page and [[server:rule_en|server rule]] before joining the server.\\ Please read the whole contents of this page and [[server:rule_en|server rule]] before joining the server.\\
 Server rule page includes prohibited things in this server.\\ Server rule page includes prohibited things in this server.\\
行 13: 行 13:
 ==== How to access ==== ==== How to access ====
 This server's address is ****\\ This server's address is ****\\
-As this server doesn't adopt white list、everyone can log in.\\+As this server doesn't adopt white list, anyone can log in.\\
 Please refer [[info:how_to_access_the_server|how to access the server]] to access the server. Please refer [[info:how_to_access_the_server|how to access the server]] to access the server.
 ---- ----
-==== The things to do after log-in ====+==== Things to do after log-in ====
 ---- ----
行 23: 行 23:
 Please enable chat by pressing "T" button(as default setting).\\ Please enable chat by pressing "T" button(as default setting).\\
 Let's greet.\\ Let's greet.\\
-If you want greet in Japanese, please chat "はじめまして!".\\+If you want greet in Japanese, please chat  "はじめまして!".\\
 **Notice: Greeting should be done in "I" channel.(like "/cc i hi").**\\ **Notice: Greeting should be done in "I" channel.(like "/cc i hi").**\\
 \\ \\
 {{ }} {{ }}
 \\ \\
-**Notice: To input Japanese, following mod need to be installed.**\\ +**Notice: To input Japanese, it is necessary to install Japanese input helper MOD.**\\ 
-MinecraftIM** or **NihongoMOD\\ +**Please refer following link for more information.**\\ 
-[[|MinecraftIM(1.3.1対応版)の導入方法(ページ中ほど)]]\\ +[[|Japanese language-relevant FAQ]]\\ 
 \\ \\
 ---- ----
行 53: 行 53:
   *Knock the door again. Then the door will be opened.\\   *Knock the door again. Then the door will be opened.\\
   *Please go out from the palace.\\   *Please go out from the palace.\\
-**Notice: It is prohibited to let out the password**\\+**Notice: It is prohibited to let the password out.**\\
 ---- ----
-=== 行き先を決める ===+=== Decide where to go ===
-鉄ドアの先に進むと、そこは多くのゲートが立ち並ぶ広場となっています。\\+Behind iron door, there is a room and you can see a lot of gates there.\\
-**各ワールドの詳細は[[world:list|ワールド紹介]]をご覧ください。**\\+**Please refer [[world:list|World introduction]] for detail.**\\
 {{ }} {{ }}
-(エントランスマップゲート配置図 正面奥の建物が最初に入ってきたスポーン地点)\\ +(Gate layout in Entrance map, The front building at a little distance is the spawn place.)\\ 
-**資源採掘MAP・資源採掘ネザー・資源採掘TheEND**:定期的に再生成される通常ワールド・ネザー・TheEND\\ +**Resource mining map, NETHER resource mining map, THE END resource mining map**: Generated periodically \\ 
-**ホームMAP・ホームネザー・ホームTheEND**:自由に建築ができる通常ワールド・ネザー・TheEND\\+**HOME, HOME NETHER, HOME THE END**:Building map\\
 \\ \\
 {{ }} {{ }}
行 72: 行 72:
 \\ \\
 {{ }} {{ }}
-木造の建物の中 地下1F)\\ +The first basement inside wooden building)\\ 
-すべてホームMAPの遠方(スポーン地点から遠い所)へ通じています。\\+The all gates lead into distance of the map.\\
 1Fの遠方ゲートと併せ、住宅用地が見つからない時はこのゲートから街を廻っていくと良いでしょう。\\ 1Fの遠方ゲートと併せ、住宅用地が見つからない時はこのゲートから街を廻っていくと良いでしょう。\\
 \\ \\
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