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両方とも前のリビジョン 前のリビジョン
en:info:faq [2014/02/20 18:42]
nokiyen 削除
en:info:faq [2014/11/26 18:24] (現在)
rangewell36 リンク等微修正
行 1: 行 1:
-===== ■Japanese language-relevant FAQ ===== +[[en:start|TOP]] FAQ
----- +
-==== Chat messages and/or signs' characters are not displayed in Japanese. ==== +
- At Minecraft client software language setting, select "日本語"(Japanese).\\ +
-\\ +
-==== Chat messages and/or signs can not be inputted in Japanese. ==== +
-Install any of the following mods.\\ +
-\\ +
-◆MinecraftIM\\ +
-[[|Topic No.153]]\\ +
-Find the subhead named ”MinecraftIM” and click the following button which title is "表示/非表示".\\ +
-Then select appropriate version file and download it. Then install it.(Modloader is not required.) \\ +
-\\ +
-\\ +
-◆NihongoMOD\\ +
-[[|Topic No.6279]]\\ +
-At the above web page, download appropriate file and install it.(Modloader is required.)\\ +
-\\ +
-\\ +
-===== ■MOD-relevant FAQ ===== +
----- +
-==== How to install MOD LOADER ==== +
-1. Install Minecraft client software cleanly.\\ +
-2. Download MOD LOADER module from the specific website(*1) and decompress it to any temporal folder.\\ +
-3. Open the file named Minecraft.jar ordinarily located in "C:\Users\[Windows user name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin")\\ +
-4. Copy all the files (decompressed at above 2) into the root folder in the opened Minecraft.jar. And remove the folder named  "META-INF" with files.\\ +
-\\ +
-(*1)\\ +
-At the Minexraft official forum - mods page\\ +
-[[|]]\\ +
-, click the link which title includes "RISUGAMI'S MODS - UPDATED." and download appropriate file.\\ +
-Version 1.4.4 is here[[|[V1.4.4] RISUGAMI'S MODS - UPDATED.]]\\ +
-\\ +
-\\ +
-===== ■Server-relevant FAQ =====+
----- +====【FAQ】==== 
-==== Unable to connect to server ==== + 
-Pushing "Reflesh" button might improve the problem. In the case this method does not work, please refer this wiki's top page or topics in Minecraft Informal Japanese Forum Server.\\ +We collected and arranged FAQ.\\ 
-Twittering using hash tag "#フォーラム鯖記録" is a good way if you do not mind that your tweet might be found as this server's information.+Beginners of this server ought to read following before ask.\\
 \\ \\
-Example: All players seems to be disconnected from the server. #フォーラム鯖記録 
-==== Dynmapが重い ==== 
-Internet Explorerでは上手く表示できないようです(IE9などでは表示が出来ても、時間が経つと表示異常になることがあります)。\\ 
-Google ChromeやFirefoxなどのWebブラウザの利用をお勧めします。 
-===== ■Trouble-relevant FAQ ===== 
-==== About vandal ==== 
-Note the vandal's name. Capturing the image is useful.(F2 key)\\ 
-The handling become easy if place and time is informed.\\ 
-Or tweet including ''#フォーラム鯖記録'' hash tag with the place and time.\\ 
-   Example: 
-       Vandalism occured. Lava is being spilled. X:-265,Z:1024 #フォーラム鯖記録 
-==== BANされたんだけど・・・ ==== 
-===== ■コマンド関連 ===== 
-==== /kill コマンドないの? ==== 
-==== /tp コマンドは? ==== 
-===== ■建築物関連 =====+^  FAQ category                                                    Explanation                              ^ 
 +|\\  [[en:info:faq:server|①Basic knowledge of this server]] \\  |  About this server                        | 
 +|\\  [[en:info:faq:beginner|②Hints to beginners]]           \\  |  Useful FAQ for beginners of this server 
 +|\\  [[en:info:faq:goodbad|③What you can do, you can't]]    \\  |  Notice of playing in this server         |
-==== ドット絵ってどうなの? ==== 
-===== ■チャット関連 ===== 
-==== グローバルチャットで話し続ける奴が居てウザい ==== 
-===== ■その他 ===== 
-==== サーバーの事何て呼べばいい? ==== 
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