
This time, the multiplay server I have maintained under the name of Minecraft Japan Unofficial Users Forum has got the first anniversary.
At the same time, Minecraft, which was released as the official edition on November 18th in 2011, also celebrated its first anniversasy. I grately thank you everyone that I have enjoyed and can even now enjoy Minecraft with you.

In retrospect, it was my first experience of operating a full-scale game server and I'm afraid I gave you the users much inconvenience and annoyance…
But, after the begining when I managed to solve the several problems occuring in the worlds, the entire “server” has got enough mature to settle the problems smoothly in consultations with server residents.
Although I guess some problems could happen in the future, I'd like to continue to provide a comfortable server with your corporation, so please remember me and our server!

  • en/oldserverconcept.txt
  • 最終更新: 2014/07/11 12:59
  • by nokiyen