Q.I cant connect to the server.
A.First of all, check the adress. Correct Minecraft version?
Then, the server may be shutted down or being maintained.
The server shall be restart at 5:00 for about 10 minutes so during the time you can't login.
Q.I cant get out from first spawn!
A.Please read carefully at this page.guide
For reason,it checks that player know well on the server rule.
And, server citizens can't tell password to new player.
Q.What is "hi" in greeing?
A.It's a greeting message in English.
Q.I can't use wooden axe!
A.In this server, wooden axe is used for protection, so in this server, wooden axe can't chop trees.
Q.Where am I! Im lost!
A.In this server, there is Dynmap,world map that can know place of logged player, spawn command, and home command that will help you find.
Q.Where can I build my home, institutions, buildings?
A.Basically, you can build something in Home Maps(prefixed with “home”) if you follow the rules of the server and each Home Map.
Check the rules and the area before you start building.
You can also build in Resource Maps, but it is regenerated after the interval.
Even if you follow the rules, the neighborhood may keep the view and so on, so it's nice to pay attention them.
Q.I got a piece of land. From where and to where is my area in the sky and underground?
A.Basically, the area on and under your land is yours. So you have the ownership of the are from y:0 to y:255. On the other hand, you can't build across other person's area except the case you and another person make a mutual agreement.
In some cities, there is a local rules that enable them to build across the sky and underground. If you live there, take care of the rules and not to cause troubles.
Q.What do "G", "I" and etc. on the left of chat mean?
A.Many people play in this server. So channel chat plugin is installed and you can talk with only your friends or specific members. “G”, “I” and all are the names of channel chat. If you need some explanation of how to use and the roles of them, refer to the article of channel chat in this wiki.
Q.Can I use the command "kill" and "tp"?
A.You can't use them. If you get lost, you can teleport to the spawn point with the convenience command insted of the command of death, but “tp” command isn't available in order not to follow persistently. Refer to the commad page of this wiki about the details of warp commands.
Q.DynMap (Realtime map) is so heavy...
A.Internet Explorer seems to be unsuitable to view. IE9 seems to draw applopriately, but some obstacle occur as time goes by. Google Chrome or Firefox is recommended. Sometimes Dynmap is stopped when the server has some problems.
Q.I can't input Japanese.
A.You can input Japanese in 3 ways.
- To copy and paste the sentence in NotePad etc.
- Install the Mod to input Japanese.
- Use external tool to input Japanese.
Annotation:this item is for Japanese and may be deleted.